Conditions of Participation
1. All laboratories working in forensic toxicology and related fields are encouraged to take part in the surveys.
2. No particular methods are prescribed for the analysis of the samples.
3. Registration is possible until the start of the testing. For later registration please contact the technical management.
4. Registration is possible as single participation or subscription for all surveys.
5. The results must be reported to the organizers until the deadline. In case of late mailing, the results are not included in the evaluation. The participants will receive only a summary report of the total results.
6. The results can be returned by mail, fax, email (form available on our homepage) or by internet (see our homepage).
7. The evaluation of the results, according to the scientific requirements, will be updated according to the agreement of the assisting committees.
8. The participants will receive the report of their results by mail. In the case of an error in the report the participants should inform the organizer immediately. We will provide a corrected report.
9. If a survey has to be cancelled, paid registration fees will be refunded.